July 8, 2012

2012 Christmas Card Challenge Week #32


This is another scheduled post, as I am enjoying day two of my week long vacation.  I'm sure I'm thinking of all of you while enjoying my drink by the pool too. *grin*

I have a Christmas card to share with you today.  I was looking through my photos, and realized that I hadn't created a Christmas card in a few weeks.  Doesn't seem like it's been that long.  Wow!  Anyway, this week there is a sketch to follow.  You can see it, and all of the details by clicking HERE.

I stuck pretty close to the sketch, and used the colors below, from Design Seeds.  All in all, it's pretty simple, and I suppose could be mass produced without issue.  I love the non-traditional colors, and how it turned out.  I know just who's going to get this card too. :) 

I do hope you'll head over to the CCC blog to see the other wonderful cards posted today.  I love the different interpretations of the sketch.

I'll be back soon with some exciting news, and another crafty post.

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